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公司名称: Naturz Organics(Harbin)Co., Ltd 
所在省份: 黑龙江 
注册资金: 500万 - 1000万 
员工数量: 5 - 10 人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: organic soybean meal, organic soybean, organic kidney bean, organic mung bean,sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds ect.  
公司简介: Our company is involved in the manufacture and export of a selection of organic and conventional agricultural products, including high quality, ECOCERT certified organic soybean meal, made from soybeans produced in Heilongjiang province of *域名隐藏* specifications are as belowe:Protein: 45% min(dry basis); Moisture: 10% max; Crude fat 9% max; Crude fiber: 7% max; Urease activity: 0.05max.
If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contract us. We look forward to have opportunities to work with you! 
Naturz Organics(Harbin)Co., Ltd / 黑龙江 / 黑龙江哈尔滨市香坊区香电街41号 () / 电话:0086-451-55197064

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